suitable for all devices
SEARCH RESULTS [ you finally found it! ]
SEE THE TOP-Q and A, at bottom
SEE CODE for this page and EXAMPLE of .CSS file swapping
in-Browser, of 39 Code-Highlighting THEMES.
Scroll TO CODE-WINDOWS and TOGGLE "paint-pallete-icon" on right


[ Compiled from Questions searched on Google. ]
[ Now includes: Frequent Answers! FA ]

Q-1: What is flask Python framework?
A-1: Flask is a micro web framework written in Python and based on the Werkzeug toolkit and Jinja2 template engine.
It is BSD licensed. The latest stable version of Flask is 0.12.2 as of May 2017.
Applications that use the Flask framework include Pinterest, LinkedIn, and the community web page for Flask itself.

Q-2: Is Django a MVC?
A-2: According to the Django Book, Django follows the MVC pattern closely enough to be called an MVC framework.
Django has been referred to as an MTV framework because the controller is handled by the framework
itself and most of the excitement happens in models, templates and views., Jul 8, 2011

Q-3: Why Python is interpreted language?
A-3: The .py source code is first compiled to byte code as .pyc.
This byte code can be interpreted (official CPython), or JIT compiled (PyPy).
Python source code (.py) can be compiled to different byte code also like IronPython (.Net)
or Jython (JVM). There are multiple implementations of Python language.

Q-4: Why do we use Python?
A-4: Python is a general purpose programming language created in the late 1980s, and named after Monty Python,
that's used by thousands of people to do things from testing microchips at Intel,
to powering Instagram, to building video games with the PyGame library.

Q-5: What is KIVY Python?
A-5: Kivy is an open source Python library for developing mobile apps and other
multitouch application software with a natural user interface (NUI).
It can run on Android, iOS, Linux, OS X, and Windows. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license,
Kivy is free and open source software.

"Python 80 character digital-ruler", any-editor, any-font, now in 3-flavors
/* ======1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= */
/* JCF, CSS-section                                                           */

/** =====1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7==========
 * @todo javascript comments here
 * ======1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= */

<!-- ====1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7====== -->

Q-6: Where can I buy "Monty Python Holy Grail Ale"?
A-6: Searched google, Results here!

Try the brewery in England/UK, where it's made: The Black Sheep Brewery
You can fly + drive to: Wellgarth, Masham, North Yorkshire, HG4 4EN

Plain notes:
"Ten years later on the 40th anniversary Holy Grail is still going strong.
With more hops than a killer rabbit, it’s a full-flavoured golden ale with
a distinctively fruity flavour followed by the Black Sheep
signature dry finish."

Technical notes:
"We brew Holy Grail with Maris Otter malt, an old and expensive variety that
is renowned for the taste and the quality of the beer it produces.
A mixture of old English Hop varieties including a touch of WGV hops gives
Holy Grail its lovely fruity nose. We use a touch of wheat which helps
deliver the lovely creamy head and lacing down the glass
- just what you would expect from a proper Yorkshire beer!"

decisions...decisions ( beware of shipping costs )
Empty-1pt-bottle $9.50 + $11.15 shipping [interesting description]
Full-16oz-can $2.15 + $31.45 shipping

A: I've got one in my refrigerator!
The "40th Anniversary of the brewery edition"

The two "black marker" x's crossing out "GR" are part of the label design.

This image will resize from 2" to 100' and more...
ANY-SIZE, "SUITABLE FOR ANY DEVICES" [ without CSS media-queries ]

DEMO: In-Browser .CSS file swapping of 39 code-highlighting themes
USING: highlightjs 9.12.0, highlightjs-line-numbers.js
and clipboard 1.5.12, [ v2.0.0 here ]

This highlighter has 79 themes and does 176 languages,
Does not do LINE NUMBERING or
ROW HIGHLIGHTING for emphasis of presentation points,
I did some alterations to implement that (mostly a lot of CSS)
then created custom "select option group" and "svg button" made in Sketch.

This is a Work-In-Progress, it still needs more UI/UX adjustments.
Mouse Over or Tap any row to highlight the row in Code-Windows

I have made local, editable "playground" versions for HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT,
using CodeMirror, one of my favorites, created by " Eloquent Javascript " Author,
Marijn Haverbeke. CodeMirror is Used by CodePen, JCFiddle, and JSBin

I've also used SyntaxHighlighter 3.0.83 extensively, and Prism.
Here's a related tutsplus article: 25 Syntax Highlighters: Tried and Tested

/* ======1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= */
/* JCF, Local Q and A, Image picture frame                                    */
a:link, a:visited, a:active {
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  cursor: pointer;

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.image-path.image-landscape, .image-path.image-portrait {
  border: inset 3px #d4d4d4;
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  height: 267px;
.thumbnail-group img.image-path.caption-top {
  padding: 0;
  width: calc(100vw - 176px);
<title>WTFAQ PYTHON + FA</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<body data-menu-expanded="false" class="jcf_body_font d_bright">
<div id="main-1" class="main-container page-content">
  <div id="page-mode-titlebar">SEARCH RESULTS <i>[ you finally found it! ]</i></div>
  <div id="page-mode-titlebar"><b>TOP-ANSWER at bottom</b></div>
  <div id="combined-html-results" class="content2">

    <!-- ===1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= -->
    <div class="q-and-a-group">
      <h1>PYTHON, What The FAQ</h1>
      <p class="jcf-paragraph">[ Compiled from Questions searched on Google. ]
      <br>[ <b>Now includes: <i>Frequent Answers!</i> FA</b> ]</p>

      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><strong>Q-1: What is flask Python framework?</strong>
        <br><b>A-1: </b><b>Flask</b> is a micro web <b>framework</b> written in
            <b>Python</b> and based on the Werkzeug toolkit and Jinja2 template engine.
        <br>It is BSD licensed. The latest stable version of <b>Flask</b>
            is 0.12.2 as of May 2017.
        <br>Applications that use the <b>Flask framework</b> include Pinterest,
            LinkedIn, and the community web page for <b>Flask</b> itself.

      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><strong>Q-2: Is Django a MVC?</strong>
        <br><b>A-2: </b>According to the <b>Django</b> Book, <b>Django</b> follows
            the <b>MVC</b> pattern closely enough to be called an <b>MVC</b>
        <br><b>Django</b> has been referred to as an MTV framework because the
            controller is handled by the framework
        <br>itself and most of the excitement happens in models, templates
        and views., Jul 8, 2011

      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><strong>Q-3: Why Python is interpreted language?</strong>
        <br><b>A-3: </b><span class="Y0NH2b CLPzrc g9yevd">The .py source code
            is first compiled to byte code as .pyc.
        <br>This byte code can be <b>interpreted</b> (official CPython), or JIT
            compiled (PyPy).
        <br><b>Python</b> source code (.py) can be compiled to different byte
            code also like IronPython (.Net)
        <br>or Jython (JVM). There are multiple implementations of
            <b>Python language</b>.</span>

      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><strong>Q-4: Why do we use Python?</strong>
        <br><b>A-4: </b><b>Python</b> is a general purpose programming language
            created in the late 1980s, and named after Monty <b>Python</b>,
        <br>that's <b>used</b> by thousands of people to do things from
            testing microchips at Intel,
        <br>to powering Instagram, to building video games with the
            PyGame library.

      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><strong>Q-5: What is KIVY Python?</strong>
        <br><b>A-5: </b><b>Kivy</b> is an open source <b>Python</b> library
            for developing mobile apps and other
        <br>multitouch application software with a natural user
            interface (NUI).
        <br>It can run on Android, iOS, Linux, OS X, and Windows.
            Distributed under the terms of the MIT license,
        <br><b>Kivy</b> is free and open source software.

      <pre class="just-plain-pre">"Python 80 character digital-ruler", any-editor, any-font, now in 3-flavors
/* ======1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= */
/* JCF, CSS-section                                                           */

/** =====1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7==========
 * @todo javascript comments here
 * ======1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= */

<!-- ====1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7====== -->
      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><strong>Q-6: Where can I buy <i>"Monty Python Holy Grail Ale"</i>?</strong>
        <br><b>A-6: </b><b>Searched</b> google,
        <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">Results here!</a>
        <br>Try the brewery in England/UK, where it's made: <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"><b>The Black Sheep Brewery</b></a>
        <br>You can fly + drive to: Wellgarth, Masham, North Yorkshire, HG4 4EN
        <br><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">MPHG ALE REVIEW</a>
        <br><b>Plain notes:</b>
        <br><b>"</b>Ten years later on the 40th anniversary Holy Grail is still going strong.
        <br>With more hops than a killer rabbit, it’s a full-flavoured golden ale with
        <br>a distinctively fruity flavour followed by the Black Sheep
        <br>signature dry finish.<b>"</b>
        <br><b>Technical notes:</b>
        <br><b>"</b>We brew Holy Grail with Maris Otter malt, an old and expensive variety that
        <br>is renowned for the taste and the quality of the beer it produces.
        <br>A mixture of old English Hop varieties including a touch of WGV hops gives
        <br>Holy Grail its lovely fruity nose. We use a touch of wheat which helps
        <br>deliver the lovely creamy head and lacing down the glass
        <br>- just what you would expect from a proper Yorkshire beer!<b>"</b>

      <p class="jcf-paragraph">decisions...decisions ( beware of shipping costs )
        <br><b>Empty-1pt-bottle</b><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"> $9.50 + $11.15 shipping</a>
            <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">[interesting description]</a>
        <br> OR
        <br><b>Full-16oz-can</b><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank"> $2.15 + $31.45 shipping</a>
    <!-- ===1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= -->

    <!-- ===1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= -->
    <div class="q-and-a-group">

      <p class="jcf-paragraph"><b>A: I've got one in my refrigerator!
        <br>The "40th Anniversary of the brewery edition"</b>
        <br>The two "black marker" x's crossing out "GR" are part of the label design.
        <br><b>This image will resize from 2" to 100' and more...</b>
        <br>ANY-SIZE, "SUITABLE FOR ANY DEVICES" <i>[ without CSS media-queries ]</i>

      <div class="thumbnail-group">
        <a class="image-item med-thumbnail" href="#" target="_blank">
          <div class="image-caption caption-top">JCF-Media-The-Four-Beers.jpg</div>
          <img class="image-path caption-top image-landscape" src="images/JCF-Media-The-Four-Beers.jpg" data-width="1024" data-height="731" id="image-1">
          <div class="image-nat-dim">actual iPhone photo size: 3264 x 2448</div>
    <!-- ===1=========2=========3=========4=========5=========6=========7======= -->

  <!-- <div id="combined-html-results" class="content2"> -->

79 Themes